As a young lawyer, I’ve inevitably encountered my fair share of challenges. But I never wavered. I have always remained resolute anticipating challenges and constantly strategizing ways to navigate through. After all, what is life without challenges? However, none is as daunting as my recent experience with a senior lawyer who I was involved with in a criminal matter at the Force CID Alagbon.

My story
My client had petitioned a microfinance company for their unethical loan recovery methods, which involved force, regular threats, and bullying of his family members at their residence in Ago Palace.
Upon a petition, the Police investigation team scheduled an interview for the parties. But my client was unavailable. Though this position was well informed to all parties in advance, but seemed dismissive to the counsel representing the Micro finance Bank- a very senior Lawyer. I didn’t let this faze me. My only job is to represent the client and relate with parties in all faithfulness, not to worry about her dismissiveness.
The day of the interview arrived. As I walked into the room, I noticed a hint of condescension from the lawyer likely due to my youthful appearance. Her demeanor changed. Her demeanor seemed to say, “You’re just a young, inexperienced lawyer. What could you possibly know?”
“She asked, her tone condescending, ‘Where’s your client?’ ‘these people are playing games,'” she added, gesturing towards me. Her approach pissed me off, but I maintain my composure. Despite feeling handicapped by her age and seniority, which commanded my respect, I couldn’t help but question her actions.
Rule 26 of the Rules of Professional Conduct clearly states that ” A lawyer shall treat one and other with respect, fairness, consideratuon and dignity and shall not allow any ill feeling between opposing clients to influence their conduct and deameanor towards one another or towards opposing clients” A Senior Lawyer should indeed know this better.
I wondered if she had forgotten this fundamental rule or her years of practice had not taught her professionalism. As the conversation progressed, I discovered her aim: to bully, take away my confidence, and ultimately assert dominance over the conversation
But I didn’t allow….
As the discussion progressed, I stood my ground and refused to allow her to gain control of the conversation. I wasn’t intimidated. And soon she did realize that, She switched.
“I’m old enough to be your mother!” She said, But while I acknowledge the importance of courtesy to her seniority, I firmly believe that experience, age or background shouldn’t be used to manipulate others in professional engagements.
One thing I have learnt with my encounter with most senior lawyers is that the moment you don’t allow them assert dominance over you, then you become disrespectful. They resort to emotional manipulation to buy themselves strength, maliciously misconstruing your resistance as disrespectfulness. This unhealthy practice in our profession is endemic, yet less discussed. In fact, I believe it is a sign of weakness, not strength!
I have met promising young lawyers with abilities and talents got their self confidence destroyed as a result of this practice. Many became shadow of their former self and questioned their decisions to practice law.
As young lawyers, it is crucial that we are aware of this dynamic and navigate such situations by standing up for ourselves without necessarily being disrespectful. Our duty is to advocate for your client’s interests, not to appease the opposing party’s ego. We must remain steadfast, assertive, and professional, refusing to be swayed by emotional blackmail or intimidation tactics. The moment we allow, marks the beginning of the demise of our career.